Thursday, April 28, 2011

My review of the GameCom 367 Closed-Ear Gaming Headset by Plantronics

Hi everyone. I was looking for a new headset but didn't want to pay 100$ for it... I looked around and spotted the GameCom 367 by Plantronics. I waited a few days and read some reviews about it and decided to give it a try. I ordered it on Amazon since it was there that I could find the cheapest price for it and the shipping was included. When I ordered it, I paid 35$ including shipping and taxes. I saw the very same headset at Wal-Mart and they were selling it for 55$ + taxes.

As soon as I received them, I unboxed and tried it. It fits on my head perfectly. I think they are very confortable and I played Battlefield Bac Company 2 for hours with it without problems or pain. The sounds is just as I expected, it's better than all the cheap headphones I bouth before these. What I can say is that they are the best ones I tried so far... well, I can say I never tried more expensive ones... but I don't need another headset since the GameCom 367 is perfect for me. And for the price, I don't think you I could get a better choice.

I love the small mic that closes itself in the headphones frame. I think the little controller looks somewhat cheap though... and I don't really need a volume control on my headphones... it's the only bad thing I can find about the GameCom 367 Closed-Ear Gaming Headset by Plantronics.

You can find all details and specs about it on amazon, just click this link.

Plantronics GameCom 367 Closed-Ear Gaming Headset by Plantronics

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to make your own kite

Making your own kite is very easy. You'll need something thin and light for the framing, like small one quarter inch wood poles. Tie them to make a cross. Next, you'll need a light material for the wing. A garbage bag for example will make the trick easily. Next, you'll need some fish line and finally a handle. That's it.

Try to make some new kite shape, test them in the wind... you'll have tons of fun with your very own kite.

If you want to buy a kite, you can read lots of reviews on then, you'll learn everything you need to know before buy one.

Have a nice windy day! :)